Naro Art

my tools eraser pen brush pencil and fingers my studio child with stick Naro woman from Jens Bjerre photo child dry ntural pigments photo of Xanama by Kelly Daniels bristol board ink sketch same light yellow ocher getting on finger same rubbing on base ocher finished base pigment black charcoal putting in hair red ocher adding some highlights showing changes unber branch using eraser for removing pigment using brush almost finished child eating child held by mother playing in the dirt framed child with stick man with bow group of children Kobra band leader dancing Gabe start Gabe finished Xanama former band elder Xanama drinking from tuber still 18 inside Kaxa Johoansi Kumtcai framed kwa xhoe Xanama by Eco Tours International photo starting ink dot portrait process staring on right shoulder next are process process process with black and white photo guide starting face more of face face roughed in moving to other shoulder working on chest bit more detail same same almost done same done framed mother and child Naro kids woman Nxisa old man from 1950's older woman spindle drill child with stick Tama and Qoma sketch and start elder woman Xaba Xaba Xaba Xixao drinking from ostrich egg youth child child child

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